Präsentation von Ergebnissen auf der Bled eConference in Slowenien

Präsentation von Ergebnissen auf der Bled eConference in Slowenien

Auf der Bled eConference in Bled (Slowenien) wurden Ergebnisse unserer Analysen zu bestehenden Unterstützungsmodellen für Telemedizin veröffentlicht (unter dem Titel “On the Road to Telemedicine Maturity: A Systematic Review and Classification of Telemedicine Maturity Models”). Der Vortrag mit anschließender Diskussion war sehr gut besucht und wir freuen uns über die konstruktiven Rückmeldungen.

Weiteres in englischer Sprache:

Our study about telemedicine maturity models reveals majors shortcomings in existing models. The analysis of 182 papers from scientific literature and additional results from a grey literature study was followed by a detailed investigation of ten of those models. Applying an extended classification scheme we could show, that e.g. most (nine out of the ten) models are not prescriptive, i.e. they do not provide any guidance for application to the user. Furthermore, the perspective of community readiness is often missing in the analyzed models. The research is published on the Bled eConference and was presented there at June 18th. This analysis is a milestone for the development of a comprehensive model assisting regions to assess their telemedicine readiness. The contribution is a result of the research project Care4Saxony in collaboration with the European Health Telematics Association.