

Die Bewertung von Potentialen digitaler Anwendungen im Gesundheitswesen und ihrer Konformität ist eine schwierige Aufgabe für viele Teilnehmer im Gesundheitsmarkt. Das Care4Saxony-Diffusionsframework soll dazu Orientierung bieten, indem entlang konkreter Fragen eine Einschätzung zum Projekt erfolgen kann.


The assessment of both the potentials of digital health solutions and their conformity is a difficult task for the stakeholder in the health sector. The Care4Saxony framework of diffusion aims at offering orientation in an interview-style manner, so different aspects of digital health projects can be assessed.

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WE4AHA thematic workshop: Tools for empowering citizens in using digital health – opportunities for individuals and communities 22.10.2020

WE4AHA thematic workshop: Tools for empowering citizens in using digital health – opportunities for individuals and communities 22.10.2020


Time: 22nd October 2020, 10-00 Central Europe Time

For registration click here

To promote health, individual and community empowerment plays a crucial role. The same approach relates to digital health solutions, whose promise lies in the increased access to healthcare, also in rural and remote areas. With a focus on both the individual and the community levels, we want to present practical tools developed in the reference site Saxony, Germany, which aim to actively empower patients and communities. We will offer insights in how to empower patients in dealing with their diseases and how to empower communities to successfully implement and scale-up telemedicine. Together with participants from various other reference sites, we would like to discuss these topics further and see together how a common approach to sharing knowledge can embrace the future of digital health solutions.


TimeAgenda Item
10:10-11:10 Part 1 – Patient Engagement
• Tools to support patient engagement
• Keynote speech of two other reference sites regarding their approaches to increasing patient engagement
• Empowering patients by giving them access to a patient portal (incl. demonstration of a patient portal)
• Interactive discussion with all workshop participants on best practices for patient engagement (using Mentimeter)
11:20-12:00 Part 2 – Community Readiness
• Introductory video about the Telemedicine Community Readiness Model (TCRM) helping to assess and improve the status quo of a community for implementing and scaling up telemedicine initiatives
• Lessons learned by applying the TCRM to empower communities (involvement of other reference sites)
• Interactive discussion with all workshop participants about specific measures to improve the readiness of communities (using Mentimeter)
12:00End of the workshop

Care4Saxony eHealth Curriculum


Für einen erfolgreichen Einsatz digitaler Anwendungen im Gesundheitswesen ist ein geeignetes Kompetenzprofil der beteiligten Akteure unabdingbar. Zur Stärkung der professionellen Aus- und Weiterbildung schlagen wir ein Curriculum vor, welches auf Basis von Ergebnissen internationaler Tools und Projekte konsolidiert wurde.


In order to successfully develop and implement digital health applications, a suitable set of competencies needs to be available to involved stakeholders. To this end, we propose a curriculum, collated based on the results of international tools and projects, aimed at facilitating the professional education and training.

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Standards in Healthcare

(by Elisabeth Spannaus and Julius Hoffmann)

This is a science blog post of two of our students from the Health Information Management seminar taught by members of Care4Saxony. While nowadays in terms of healthcare issues everybody talks about electronic health records, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Telemedicine etc., one topic, which is often forgotten or at least less publicly discussed, is standards in healthcare.

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A design and evaluation framework for digital health interventions

As digital health interventions are becoming more popular and important, members of the Care4Saxony team in cooperation with members of the Center for digital health interventions from the University of St Gallen decided to provide a framework for the evaluation of digital health interventions and the barriers they might face.

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